Living Organisms and their Surroundings

1. Define: (a.) Ecology and (b.) Environment

Ecology: Ecology is the branch of biology that studies how living organisms interact with each other and their environment. It focuses on the relationships between organisms, including humans, and their physical surroundings, such as air, water, and soil. Ecologists examine how these interactions influence the distribution and abundance of organisms, the flow of energy and nutrients, and the functioning of ecosystems.

Environment: The environment refers to the natural world that surrounds living organisms, including the air, water, land, and all the other elements that make up the physical and biological conditions in which life exists. It includes both living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic) components, such as plants, animals, climate, and geography. The environment provides the resources and conditions necessary for the survival and well-being of all organisms.

2. How dose grass survive in windy condition?

Grass has several adaptations that help it survive in windy conditions:

1. Flexible Stems and Leaves: Grass has slender, flexible stems and leaves that can bend without breaking, allowing it to withstand strong winds.

2. Low Growth Form: Many grasses grow low to the ground, reducing their exposure to wind and minimizing the risk of damage.

3. Dense Root System: Grass typically has a dense and extensive root system that anchors it firmly in the soil, helping to prevent it from being uprooted by the wind.

4. Rapid Growth: Grass can grow back quickly if it is damaged by wind, ensuring its survival and continued spread even in harsh conditions.

These features make grass resilient and able to thrive even in windy environment. How dose hibernation help? 1. **Energy Conservation**: During hibernation, an animal's metabolic rate drops significantly, reducing the need for food. This allows them to survive on stored body fat for months without eating. 2. **Reduced Body Temperature**: Animals in hibernation lower their body temperature to near the ambient temperature, conserving energy that would otherwise be used to maintain normal body heat. 3. **Slowed Breathing and Heart Rate**: The animal's heart rate and breathing slow down, further decreasing energy expenditure. 4. **Protection from Harsh Conditions**: By staying in a sheltered spot and entering a state of dormancy, animals avoid exposure to extreme cold and other winter hazards. Overall, hibernation is a survival strategy that enables animals to endure times when food is not readily available and environmental conditions are not favorable for normal activity.